Maple: “isn’t enough” campaign

A mental health campaign focused on coping mechanisms during the COIVD-19 lockdown.

art direction
Marketing manager
Social Media manager
Visual designer
Art director
Visual designer
Art director
Visual concepts
Visual design
Custom Illustration
Export for socials
Adobe Creative Suite

Created a social ad campaign to promote Maple’s online therapy services


To create social ads to highlight Maple's psychiatry services and demonstrate the platform's full potential to the expanded audience, while keeping revenue strong as COVID-19 consultation requests decrease.


  • The psychiatry service is underutilized by both old and new users
  • Users may not know a service like this exsists


  • Use “meme culture” to attract the ideal customer audience: millennials
  • Keeping the message cute, topical, and appealing
The concept of maple's psychiatry advertisement is
“When it isn't enough.”
The team incorporated tongue-in-cheek metaphors related to popular quarantine coping strategies, such as bread baking, to highlight the growing mental stress. The ads follow a subtle storyline that starts with light-hearted social trends and gradually hints at significant warning signs of mental illness, such as sleeping through till dinner.
1.2% unique impressions
within 3 weeks of campaign duration

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